Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Collection!

So about a month ago, I started to learn how to knit and crochet, and so far I've made some pretty cool things. I've obviously gotten better the more I've done it, but it honestly takes up such less time and its for a much cheaper price.

I prefer crochet over knitting. I think it looks better and it definitely takes less time. Also, you have more styles you can create with crochet, plus it's a lot easier I feel.

Here are the scarves I've made so far. They're all crocheting, and I did make a knitted one too, however, I'm not going to show it because it turned out terrible. It was the first one I made and it curled up :( boo.

Also, the pink one in the bottom left corner, I actually made that by a technique called "arm knitting". It's quite simple, actually. It takes about 30 minutes (the first time takes a little bit longer). There's tutorials on how to make all of these and they take like no time. The only one that took really long was the black one in the bottom right corner, but it turned out super cute!

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